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Hi. I’m Penelope

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Welcome to my collection of artist interviews and writings on art.

Writings on art / Cecilia Charlton's works on paper

Writings on art / Cecilia Charlton's works on paper

Something first wraps me,
then pulls me into the calling of Cecilia Charlton’s art.

Like a portal, I feel instantly drawn into the intimacy of the story telling,
or is it the secret knowledge that is whispered through the inner weavings of the pieces,
if I can just be still.

Perhaps it is the tactility of the drawings,
or the way colored pencils deliberately and delicately
smooth the surface of the paper
humming a song of belonging
that expands my senses.

The thread, the needle
uniting with the paper,
pierce a mathematical carving.
The breath is rhythmic,
Something is revealed in the action of
ancestral gesture,
the body skillfully remembers
the formless hymn coded into form.

This invitation to voyage, not far away
but here and now,
welcomes us into the timeless dimension of creation,
into the deeper embroideries of our soul.

Cecilia uses a personal language
that speaks to our universal essence,
one of giving and receiving generously,
of touching and being touched.

Her work feels to me like
a gentle awakening to the song of life,
one that inspires us to look within the conscious shaping of our journeys,
while being open to embracing stillness where mysteries unravel,
and enjoying the process as we go along.

Maybe at a deeper level what
Cecilia’s art offers,
is a sacred remembering that
the same process is always at play
whether we are creating art,
or crafting our lives.

Penelope Rolland