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Hi. I’m Penelope

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Welcome to my collection of artist interviews and writings on art.

Aythamy Armas

Aythamy Armas


Which 3 words best describe how you would like your art to be perceived?


What creative challenge have you faced and overcome that has transformed your art practice?

Above all, not to focus solely on the technique as motivation for the work. For years I have worked in an objective way, with a clear idea of the final result of the work before starting it. However, my practice has since evolved.

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What tools do you use as part of the preliminary process?

I have the habit of seeing the work of other artists, both current and past. They remain fixed in my mind and serve as an archive ... I don't work from sketches, if I have an idea outside of the studio I try to write it down or record an audio note so that I do not forget it and can come back to it.

How do you usually start a session? Any habits or rituals?

I have several canvases ready to work on at the same time, I take a break from some and start others. I search for the suitable state of mind for that moment.

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How do you deal with doubts and fears?

The doubts and the fears are fantastic! They appear and allow you to grow… one of those main fears is beginning a piece and one of the main doubts is when to finish a work. I try to stand before them and not work automatically. I'm quite impulsive so it's challenging in that regard as well.

With which intentions do you infuse your art making?

Mainly it is a personal impulse to do and to build. This brings me a lot of personal well-being. It seems magical to do and create, also to observe and connect. In that sense I see my works as landscapes, as places to be.

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What do you like and dislike about your art?

I love my job, the only bad thing is that the fixative is toxic!

What brilliant piece of advice were you given on your creative journey and would be happy to share?

Enjoy and connect with what you do.

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What do you do to keep yourself out of procrastination?

I get lost easily and I'm aware of this so I set goals, deadlines and make lists of specific
objectives ...

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Cherilyn Yeates

Cherilyn Yeates

Nuria Maria

Nuria Maria